Results for 'Angel Osvaldo Nessi'

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    Perspectival self-consciousness and ego-dissolution.Miguel Angel Sebastian - 2020 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 1 (I):1-27.
    It is often claimed that a minimal form of self-awareness is constitutive of our conscious experience. Some have considered that such a claim is plausible for our ordinary experiences but false when considered unrestrictedly on the basis of the empirical evidence from altered states. In this paper I want to reject such a reasoning. This requires, first, a proper understanding of a minimal form of self-awareness – one that makes it plausible that minimal self-awareness is part of our ordinary experiences. (...)
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  2. Time Dilation, Context, and Relative Truth.Ángel Pinillos - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 82 (1):65-92.
    I argue that truth is relative (in the sense recently defended by some prominent analytical philosophers) by focusing on some semantic issues raised by Einstein's theory of relativity together with our ordinary attributions of truth.
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    Paisajes del alma, rincones del aula.Miguel Angel Longás - 2000 - Zaragoza: Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada.
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  4. Más que la vida misma.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 1994 - Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y León.
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  5. La filosofía trágica de Albert Camus: el tránsito del absurdo a la rebelión.Angel Ramírez Medina - 2001 - Málaga: Universidad de Málaga.
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  6. Razones y Sinrazones del Discurso Antiutópico Sense and Nonsense of Anti-utopian Discourse.Angel Rodríguez-Kauth - 1999 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 4 (6-9):55-65.
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    Coherent adequate forcing and preserving CH.John Krueger & Miguel Angel Mota - 2015 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 15 (2):1550005.
    We develop a general framework for forcing with coherent adequate sets on [Formula: see text] as side conditions, where [Formula: see text] is a cardinal of uncountable cofinality. We describe a class of forcing posets which we call coherent adequate type forcings. The main theorem of the paper is that any coherent adequate type forcing preserves CH. We show that there exists a forcing poset for adding a club subset of [Formula: see text] with finite conditions while preserving CH, solving (...)
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    A physical model of Zeno's dichotomy.Leonard Angel - 2001 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 52 (2):347-358.
    A model of Zeno's dichotomy paradox is presented in Newtonian collision mechanics. One of several resolutions of the paradox illustrates the point that even in Newtonian ontology there is a spacetime weave. In a Newtonian system in which the base rules permit only spatial contact interactions, we find the mechanical emergence of action-at-a-distance effects.
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  9. Schelling o Krause.Manuel Angel Fernández Lorenzo - 1982 - El Basilisco 14:41-48.
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  10. El encuentro amoroso como posibilidad del hombre.Miguel Ángel Sánchez - 1987 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 58:105.
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    Platón y las condiciones de la filosofía: investigaciones sobre la predisposición del interlocutor en los diálogos platónicos.Miguel Ángel Spinassi - 2020 - St. Augustin: Academia Verlag Richarz.
    Aus Platons Dialogen geht ein Bild der Philosophie hervor, in dem die persönliche Haltung des Gesprächspartners von grosser Bedeutung ist. Dieses Buch versucht zu zeigen, dass der Gesprächspartner immer wieder dazu ermutigt wird, eine wohlwollende Stellungnahme sowohl gegenüber den am Gespräch beteiligten Personen als auch gegenüber dem Thema der Diskussion einzunehmen, damit ein erfolgreiches Gespräch von Anfang bis Ende durchgeführt werden kann. Diese als Bedingung festgelegte Anforderung wirkt im dialektischen Gespräch selbst und wird bei den Gesprächspartnern aktualisiert. Ihre Wirkung aber (...)
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  12. Un mundo feliz= A happy world.Richard Stallman, Luis Angel Fernández Hermana, Javier Echeverría & Bill Gates - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:151-154.
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    How to Build a Conscious Machine.Leonard Angel - 1989 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
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    El descenso de las estrellas. El mundo originario y el origen del mundo en el pensamiento de J. Patočka.Ángel Enrique Garrido-Maturano - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 80:155-168.
    El artículo analiza desde una perspectiva fenomenológica y hermenéutica el modo originario de donación del mundo y el origen del mundo en el pensamiento de Jan Patočka posterior a 1965. Primero muestra en qué sentido tanto la donación del mundo como horizonte, cuanto los movimientos de la existencia humana, implican un vínculo esencial entre el modo originario de darse del mundo y la noción de infinito, concebido como lo indefinido e inagotable. Finalmente explicita por qué el vínculo del mundo con (...)
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    Kant y la condición humana.Miguel Ángel González Vallejos - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):123-142.
    El artículo analiza el concepto de mal radical de Kant y sostiene que su explicación del mal utiliza un modelo reconstructivo que niega la atribución de los modelos de adicción o del mal hábito. Se critica la tesis de la “revolución en la disposición moral fundamental”, primero, porque Kant abandona el método fenomenológico-trascen- dental y, segundo, por el carácter semipelagiano de su argumentación.
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    Filosofía y religión en el Renacimiento: de Gemisto Pletón a Galileo.Miguel Ángel Granada - 2021 - [Sevilla]: Cypress Cultura.
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    Sartre y los prolegómenos a la antropología.Rafael Angel Herra - 1968 - Ciudad Universitaria "Rodrigo Facio," Costa Rica,:
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  18. Teodoro Olarte.Rafael Angel Herra - 1975 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 37:169.
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  19. Agustín Pastor: un modelo actual para los párrocos.Miguel Ángel Keller Pérez-Herrero - 2010 - Revista Agustiniana 51 (154):87-110.
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  20. Teología de los textos de la liturgia exequial en el rito dominicano.Miguel Angel Del Rio - 1998 - Ciencia Tomista 125 (1):5-58.
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  21. La tardía invención de la naturaleza.Angel Mollá Román - 1999 - Laguna 6:225-240.
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  22. Cursus philosophicus: Antonij Jphi Suaretij de Urbina.Angel Muñoz Garcia - 1995 - Maracaibo, Venezuela: Universidad del Zulia. Edited by Lorena Velasquez & Maria Liuzzo.
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  23. Bibliografía de Tomás Cámara y Castro.Miguel Angel Orcasitas - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (3):1272-1299.
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  24. Mystical naturalism.Leonard Angel - 2002 - Religious Studies 38 (3):317-338.
    This paper suggests that an ontologically reductionist view of nature which also accepts the completeness of causality at the level of physics can support (1) the blissful transfiguration of the moral, (2) mystical release from standard ego-identification, and (3) psycho-physical transformation cultivated through meditative practice. This mystical naturalism provides the basis for a thicker, more vigorous institutional religious life, including religious life centred around meditation practices, personalist meanings, and the theology of incarnation, than current proposals for strongly naturalist religions allow.
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    Argumentative Bullshit.José Ángel Gascón - 2021 - Informal Logic 43 (1):289-308.
    Harry Frankfurt characterised bullshit as assertions that are made without a concern for truth. Assertions, however, are not the only type of speech act that can be bullshit. Here, I propose the concept of argumentative bullshit and show how a speech acts account of bullshit assertions can be generalised to bullshit arguments. Argumentative bullshit, on this account, would be the production of an argument without a concern for the supporting relation between reasons and claim.
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    Evidence Sensitivity as a Heuristic for Doubt.N. Ángel Pinillos - 2021 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 45:223-239.
    Sensitivity-type principles are prominent in epistemology. They have the promise to explain our intuitive and considered reactions to a wide range of important cases in everyday life, science and philosophy. Despite this promise, philosophers have raised a number of very serious objections to the principles. Accordingly, I propose a different type of sensitivity account which, I believe, gets around these serious objections. An important feature of the new approach is that the principle I propose need not be true. Rather, it (...)
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  27. The Business Ethics of Short Selling and Naked Short Selling.James J. Angel & Douglas M. McCabe - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (1):239 - 249.
    The controversy over short selling has continued unabated from the introduction of modern equity trading in Amsterdam in 1610 to the present day. Nevertheless, the business ethics literature has not really addressed short selling. Short sellers not only profit from the misery of others, they also create it through their selling activities. However, they also provide a socially useful service by making prices better reflect true values, protecting other investors from purchasing overpriced securities. Short sellers can also help to provide (...)
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  28. Manual de historia de la filosofía.González Alvarez & Angel[From Old Catalog] - 1964 - Madrid,: Editorial Gredos.
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  29. La doctrina de las proposiciones en las "Summulae" de Domingo de Soto.Angel D'Ors - 1986 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 13:179-204.
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    Sobre las Obligationes de Robert Fland. Antiqua et nova responsio.Ángel D.´ors & Manuel García-Clavel - 1994 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 11:51.
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    Problemas conceptuales y políticas de desarrollo tecnológico.Miguel Ángel Quintanilla Fisac - 1990 - Critica 22 (64):23-40.
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    Reseña de"Classical Greek Rhetorical Theory and the Disciplining of Discourse" de Timmerman, David and Schiappa, Edward.Felipe Ángel Flórez - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):169-173.
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  33. Contribución al rearme moral en tiempo de crisis: aproximación al caso español.Angel Galindo García - 2010 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:203-265.
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  34. Truth without hope: Santayana and the illusion of knowledge.Angel Manuel Faerna - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
  35. Fenomenología del espírtu subjetivo.Miguel Angel Virasoro - 1947 - Philosophia (Misc.) 8:7.
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    Filosofía de la existencia y antropología filosófica.Miguel Angel Virasoro - 1960 - B[ahía]: Blanca, Universidad Nacional de Sur, Extensión Cultural.
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  37. Perspectiva sociopolitica de la tolerancia y de la religión en John Locke.Miguel Angel Virgillito - 1990 - Philosophia:181.
  38. (1 other version)Palabra y deseo.Miguel Angel Zarco - 1985 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 52:89-98.
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    Segovianos árboles.García Barbero & Miguel Angel - 2007 - Madrid: J. Pastor.
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    Estrategia jurídica.Ciuro Caldani & Miguel Angel - 2011 - Rosario: Centro de Investigaciones de Filosofía Jurídica y Filosofía Social.
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  41. Neuroética. Derecho y neurociencia.Miguel Ángel Capó, Marcos Nadal, Carlos Ramos, Atahualpa Fernández & Camilo José Cela Conde - 2006 - Ludus Vitalis 14 (25):163-176.
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  42. La compasión en la tradición dominicana.Manuel Angel Martínez Juan - 2012 - Ciencia Tomista 139 (447):123-146.
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    El tiempo: su paso por la existencia humana.Miguel Angel Martí - 2006 - Madrid: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias.
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  44. La Liturgia de los Enfermos y Difuntos en la Orden de los Predicadores, después del Vaticano II.Miguel Angel Del Río - 2002 - Ciencia Tomista 129 (419):492-545.
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  45. Cuerpo vestido y teología de la desnudez.Angel Octavio Alvarez Solís - 2019 - In Carlos Mendiola Mejía & Francisco Castro Merrifield (eds.), El retorno del cuerpo: de abyecciones y vulnerabilidades. México, Ciudad de México: Ediciones Navarra.
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  46. Maquiavelo.Miguel Angel Speroni - 1970 - Buenos Aires,: Rueda.
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  47. El derecho es la fuerza.Angel Zúñiga Huete - 1914 - San Jose, Costa Rica,:
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  48. Universal self consciousness mysticism and the physical completeness principle.Leonard Angel - 2004 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 55 (1):1-29.
    Philosophers promoting a version ofUniversal Self Consciousness mysticism(including Wainwright, Alston, Hick, Wilber andForman) take it that their interpretations ofmysticism are consistent with currentscientific findings. However, their theorieshave been implicitly or explicitly against thecentral claim arising from science, namely, thephysical causal completeness principle. Thereis strong ground to accept physical causalcompleteness for human functioning, and theassessment of physical completeness isindependent of the phenomenology of UniversalSelf Consciousness mystical experience.Further, there is a positive account ofUniversal Self Consciousness mysticism thataccepts physical causal completeness. Such anaccount (...)
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  49. Where is cognitive science heading?Francisco Calvo Garzón & Ángel García Rodríguez - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (3):301-318.
    According to Ramsey (Representation reconsidered, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007 ), only classical cognitive science, with the related notions of input–output and structural representations, meets the job description challenge (the challenge to show that a certain structure or process serves a representational role at the subpersonal level). By contrast, connectionism and other nonclassical models, insofar as they exploit receptor and tacit notions of representation, are not genuinely representational. As a result, Ramsey submits, cognitive science is taking a U-turn from (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Performance Epistemology.Miguel Angel Fernandez (ed.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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